With ergonomic work you can prevent many complaints. Among other things, it means that you need to have a better sitting posture. In some companies it is even alternated with sitting, standing or working at height. Mental health is also part of this. Is there enough fresh air and are the employees comfortable in their own skin. This concept often applies to people who work behind a monitor. But in more and more places, where you often sit in the same position, this can be applied. For many companies there is still room for improvement!
What do you prevent by working ergonomically?
Employers are putting a lot of emphasis on ergonomic work. This is because many illnesses such as back or other muscle complaints can be prevented in this way. Tense muscle complaints of a long-term nature are also dealt with in this way. You can also prevent psychological complaints or eye problems. This is because the focus is on working at a different height or distance. This way the employees can work longer and better with a much lower absence due to illness. A good physical condition can reduce incorrect posture and muscular problems.
Why is ergonomic working important
ergonomic working is the future for many companies. Prolonged muscle or joint complaints belong to the past. As a result, your employees are fully employable and the number of absences falls considerably. In addition, employers also feel the responsibility to be good to their staff. That is why they apply a lot of this advice. After all, it is also more profitable for the companies in the long run.
The means it
Ergonomic work is concerned with the physical and cognitive part of working in healthcare. The physical part involves improving one's posture by adjusting the height of a screen or adjustable chairs. Cognitive ergonomics often involves working on the ideal distance between the screen and the person, but it also involves the psychological aspect. Some employers offer their employees to work different hours. This can lead to higher production. A correct mental and psychological attitude is important for the survival of the company. You don't want to have to find different employees every week.
What can you buy to work ergonomically?
For ergonomic working, it may be wise to purchase certain materials. This could be an adapted mouse and keyboard for people with RSI-like complaints. But for people who often suffer from muscle pain, a good office chair is recommended. This will help to prevent the complaints, which in turn will lead to lower absenteeism due to illness. Adjustable screens and tables also fall under ergonomic working. The distance between the eyes and the screen is important for the number of hours one can work. But an adjustable table ensures that you can alternate your posture and that you are less prone to muscular complaints.
How do companies start with ergonomic work?
Most companies start with a workplace survey for ergonomic work. They map out, as it were, what can be improved for the workplace of their employees. The aim is to increase the employee's vitality and reduce sickness absence. This can be a sustainable solution which is much more beneficial in the long run. When an employee often works from home, you are also obliged to provide the right resources. This includes a table and chair but also computers etc.
Points of attention for the success of ergonomic work in care
For ergonomic working in healthcare, you are going to try to prevent various problems. The most important thing is that your employees sit or stand in a neutral position so that they are less likely to develop muscle or joint problems. Then you will look at what you can do to keep the load on the employees as low as possible. If necessary, you will purchase the appropriate aids. Prolonged sitting, standing or moving in the same position is not good. That is why you should try to find varied work for the employee as much as possible. When an employee already has certain complaints you will do everything you can to minimize the burden for the employee in the future.
Extra tips
If necessary, you can regularly do exercises for moving and sitting at work. Often you can get a physiotherapist to do this for you. In the long run this will yield more than it cost. When you have done all this you will have a solid base. This is important for the future and you should try to get your employees to stick to it.
Within the ergonomic work you will find 4 main specializations. The first is the physical part. Here you will do everything possible to ensure that the employee has a good workplace or working environment on a daily basis. During the cognitive part you will focus on the psychological level. Subjects that are often discussed are reducing stress and other mental processes. Then you also have language ergonomics. Here you make sure that everything can be written and read in the right language. This applies to communication between employees, customers and management. Finally, there is organisational ergonomics. Here you focus on the cooperation that must take place within the team. But you also address the general organizational processes.
How can you work ergonomically?
There are various ways in which you can apply ergonomic work. It starts with alternating postures and taking a break in time. Taking a break not only provides physical rest but also mental relaxation. It is also nice if you can take regular courses at work. This motivates you to become an even better employee. A sport or other physical exercise contributes to better physical health and also provides peace of mind. It is also nice when employees have an accessible contact point. That way they don't have to be ashamed to ask something. Exercises or power naps during work can also contribute to better performance. Employers make this possible for your employees!