The history of the reformed church

The Reformed Church started in the Netherlands in 1816. This happened after the liberation from the French rule. However, only since the eighties has it become one of the most widespread church communities. The last important change happened in 2004. Since then the reformed church and protestant church have been joined together. It is one of the few church communities with a royal touch. Only in 1867 did the churchgoers get the right to vote on who should be in the church council. Previously this had always been determined by the king or pope and was mainly based on the state of services.
What has changed in the reformed church over the years?
The reformed church has had great changes in the almost 200 years they have been active. As in 1906 when the first reformed union was established in the reformed church. This church form has several streams and therefore does not always stand for one belief. You can see it as an umbrella for different beliefs. Examples are catholic, confessional and liberal. But through the years more and more forms have been added. May 31, 1995 there even came an evangelical manifesto. This was the beginning of spiritual renewal in the Netherlands. The message of God is central to every branch.
The reformed church during the 70s
In the 1970s, the Reformed Church was also in the media. They did with the newspaper Street which was an antirevolutionary newspaper. In 1994 this was taken over and since then we know the newspaper as Trouw. But there was also the first anti-revolutionary political party. They also had their own broadcasting company, the NCRV, which is still very much watched today. But also an own university which is called the free university. Later also schools followed, where you could go to with whatever belief you had. These we know today as OBS or while public elementary schools. At the end of 2013 this community had over 1.8 million members. There are different versions of the Bible that churches read from. Explore these and see what suits you.
Background of the Reformed Church
The Reformed Church today is also called Restored Reformed Church. This is because in the first 100 years it was not doing so well. But today they count 1.8 million members and 1750 church throughout the country. The churches of the Reformed Church and Protestant Church have continued together since 2004. However, many believers did not agree with each other's views but there are many who did. This was because many did not want to let go of the old foundations, principles, and convictions. The schism of the past is only now slowly healing. Each church has their own views and use their version of the Bible. Some with the developments over the years and others without.
What is the mission of the reformed church?
The mission of the Reformed Church is to follow all that is written in the Bible. How the views of that are done still varies sometimes. Especially between Protestants who see the rules a bit black and white as the Reformed. The most important thing is that the faith is desired and the way of the bible is a guideline in that. It is for those who feel called and believe in it. Also people who have become alienated are welcome at the reformed church. Their mission is to bring the message of God. This is done with mutual respect.
General services in the reformed church
Just like in other churches you will also find the basic services in the reformed church that you can expect from a church. Some examples are masses, bible lessons or funerals. During the holidays it's party time but also a day to show gratitude to god. This is done through the mass and liturgy. Depending on the church you go to, there will be readings from the bible. This has several forms but the most important 3 are from 1938, 1973 and 2005. There are many new discoveries which are processed in this bible.